Should Missouri’s Jay Nixon Pick Show-Me?

One of the many difficult choices facing those allocating the stimulus funds is choosing between fixed wireless, which deploys faster and to more people, and fiber, which deploys a higher quality service but takes much longer to build and is a great deal more expensive.

In Missouri, governor Jay Nixon (D) has chosen, in his letter to the federal government, one project, Show-Me Technologies, which will partner with the state to deliver fiber to areas that will lower broadband costs for state institutions.

That angers Victoria Proffer. She suspects that the state pretended to have an open request for information process but that Show-Me Technologies had in fact won the race before it was run.

The project that the governor endorsed is run by a subsidiary of an energy company and promises that the energy company will pay enough in subscription fees to connect electrical substations to keep the project running.

The Show-Me project also promised to be open access and to build towers for WISPs. We’ll see if that happens — and whether they let Proffer’s company offer service there.

Other recommendations in the governor’s letter

The governor’s letter recommends several companies I don’t know. One of them filed 20 applications — which I believe is a sign of poor due diligence — but is a legitimate company. Boonville, MO-based GlenMartin is an equipment company that was founded in 1918 and now makes towers. It plans to cover the rural areas of the state through fixed wireless broadband.

I interviewed Brian Becker of (SouthEast in 2003. His local million dollar project in self-described “Ashcroft country” also made the list. Congratulations, Brian!

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