Perfect the First Page of Your Application
— and reapply if you were rejected in round one

The executive summary of your broadband stimulus application is very important. In Denver, speakers said that some applications were rejected instantly because of poorly written executive summaries.

The best applicants are proud of their executive summaries. Victoria Proffer of St. Louis, Mo.-based ShowMe Broadband said in a press release that she was pleased that the government decided to post her entire executive summary. You can read her company’s executive summary here. As you can see, it clearly describes the history of the company and the purpose of the stimulus application.

At WiNOG, we help you write the summary — and help prepare the numbers too.

In addition to the narrative, the government is asking for several numbers. Participants at the Denver, CO BTOP workshop (I attended via webcast) said that the new streamlined simulus application asks for numbers. In the first round, many applicants wove those numbers into their executive summaries but in round 2, those numbers will be in boxes on the form. So you’ll need to calculate the number of job-years created by your project and the number of anchor institutions passed. We can help you calculate those numbers, which will also be vital to your application.

Many who applied in round one have been rejected or will soon receive a rejection letter, but head of the NTIA Larry Strickland said, “Don’t fret over round one, there’s more money in round two. I know folks are getting what you’re calling a rejection letter, but we’re looking at it as an ‘opportunity to reapply’ letter.”

The government is under pressure from Congress to hand out the money faster. The departments involved, the commerce department and the USDA, have a one time chance to prove that they can handle the unprecedented levels of funding that the stimulus has provided. We believe that they can do this, and that the challenge of the stimlus funds gives those ISPs that have been in business in rural areas a significant advantage. You know where the need is and we can help you fill it.

By Alex Goldman

Cross posted to WiNOG

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